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Interesting Articles

Investing in mutual funds is a popular strategy for long-term wealth accumulation. One of the key metrics investors often examine is the 10-year return, which provides insight into how a fund has performed over a decade. A strong 10-year return can indicate a well-managed fund, while weaker returns may prompt investors to reassess their strategies. In this article, we break down the 10-year return data for a group of 493 mutual funds to understand their performance, trends, and what this means for investors looking to evaluate past growth.

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Assessing the overall performance of Fund Houses (AMCs) with respect to equity mutual funds is to check for its outperforming schemes in each category. Here, outperformance in a category is defined as showing better long term stability and short term momentum. Only the schemes that have been consistently outperforming its peers over a period of two weeks are considered. For better comparison, only Direct - Growth schemes are included. The more outperforming schemes a fund house (AMC) has the better is its performance.

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Advanced Mutual Fund Data Management

Advanced Mutual Fund Data Management

Components of Mutual Fund Data Management



Listing all existing mutual fund investments, calculating monthly investment targets, recording transactions and estimating target value.

Investment Data

Investment Data

Recording each transaction in a prescribed format for better representation to understand the effects of investment and redemption over a period of time.



Summarisation of investments, redemptions and current holding. Tabulation of investment in various categories and accounts.



Calculation of absolute returns and XIRR and comparing the performance with large cap, mid cap and small cap indices.

Historic Data

Historic Data

Monthly recording of data with respect to portfolio, index valuations, absolute returns and XIRR.



Tabulation of fund data and comparing the performance with peers and other categories to compute investment on the basis of the summary data.

Market Data

Market Data

Information with respect to current NAVs and performance of funds, category performance summary and historic index values.

Strategies Derived from Data Management



Constructing a robust low-risk high-return portfolio structure involving all categories of open-ended equity mutual funds.



Choosing the top performing mutual fund scheme in each category with respect to stability and momentum.



Adjusting allocation and selection to increase weightage of funds with higher momentum.



Replacing funds having a weaker outlook with ones with stronger outlook to boost overall long term returns.



Maintaining allocation targets to de-risk higher returns providing long term stability and growth

Effect of Strategy on Long Term Returns

Effect of Strategy on Long Term Returns

3 Things to Get Best Risk Adjusted Returns

DISCIPLINE Having FAITH in the system and system generated information
DISCIPLINE Making decisions based on informed KNOWLEDGE and sticking to the plan
DISCIPLINE Taking timely ACTIONS based on the plan and updating data as and when required

Together We Can

Together We Can
Together We Can
For periods over 10 years, mutual funds provide the best risk-return advantage when compared to any other form of investment.
Disclaimer: This is not an investment advisory. This is about learning how to read and assess mutual fund data and how to create and maintain mutual fund investment data for better returns and risk management.